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Welcome to Ponderings - A Christian Blog

On my blog I share articles, quotes, bible studies and devotions etc., that I have found valuable during my Life's Journey. The devotions always have a link back to the original article as well as the images I use. Please feel free to subscribe, your information will never be shared. God Bless and be safe.

arrangement of flowers

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

Ephesians 2:8 ESV

Value the state of the soul by J.C. Ryle

You would do well to measure all people by God’s standard — to measure them not by the amount of their income — but by the condition of their souls.
When the Lord God looks down from Heaven upon people, He takes no account of many things which are highly esteemed by the world. He looks not at a person’s money, or lands, or titles. He looks only at the state of their souls — and reckons them accordingly. Oh, that you would strive to do likewise! Oh, that you would value grace above titles, or intellect, or gold! Often, far too often, the only question asked about a person is, “How much are they worth?” It would be well for us all to remember that every person is pitiably poor — until they are rich in faith, and rich toward God.
~ J.C. Ryle
Tract: Riches and Poverty



To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.
C. S. Lewis


On my blog I share articles, quotes, bible studies and devotions etc., that I have found valuable during my Life's Journey.  The devotions always have a link back to the original article as well as the images I use.  Please feel free to subscribe,
your information will never be shared. God Bless and be safe.

What is the most important question a person can ask ?

To read :  The Gospel of Salvation

Questions and Answers

Basic Training

Book Reviews

Earnest Layman

Tim Challies

Biblical & Theological Studies

The Riddleblog

Bible Study for Women

Ligonier Bible Studies

inspirational quote
Frontpage of video on America's biggest serial killer
unborn baby

Abortion is the killing of an unborn child in his or her mother’s womb. There’s really no other honest way of describing it. Actually, there is another word for it—murder. So-called “pro-choice” activists (really, “pro-murder” activists) use terms like “reproductive freedom,” “health care,” or “a woman’s right to choose” to try and make abortion sound like anything but what it is—the intentional murder of an unborn child. 

Answers in Genesis

The Economics of Abortion in one Lesson

by Kevin de Young

Featured Article this Week:  
Is it a Male or a Female ?


  • If there is a God, Why are there Atheists

  • Spiritual Warfare : Truth or Territory

       by Jim Osman

Current Bible Study :  Fear and Trembling.  Send me an email request to join us for FREE

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