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Holy Bible

Bible Studies

Why we Study the End Times

The 2014 VBVMI Bible Conference Main Session for Pastor Stephen Armstrong, who explains the Biblical imperative to study the end times.

Presentation on the Rapture

Pastor Stephen Armstrong, Director of VBVMI, explains the biblical perspective on a much-debated event...including why the word "Rapture" doesn't appear in the Bible. Taught at Verse By Verse Fellowship ( in San Antonio.

Revelations Study

The apostle John encounters the risen Lord and receives a commission to write an extraordinary letter to the church regarding the events leading to Christ’s Second Coming. All studies can be found at :  Verse by Verse Ministry

Gospel of Matthew

Taught by Stephen Armstrong

When compared to the other three Gospel accounts, the Gospel of Matthew is distinctly Jewish. Matthew wrote from the perspective of Old Testament prophecy to demonstrate New Testament fulfillment in the Person of Jesus Christ.

Matthew's Gospel is well-known for its distinctive features like Jesus' birth story, the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' confrontations with the Pharisees and His in-depth explanations of end-times events. All studies can be found at Verse by Verse Ministry (Lessons 1-15 only in audio)

The Great Apostacy 

The second breakout session of Stephen Armstrong from the 2014 VBVMI Bible Conference. Pastor Armstrong teaches on the coming apostasy of the church described in the New Testament letters and in the book of Revelation.

Epistle of Jude 

Mark 1 A

All lessons can be located HERE

Arguably noted as the first Gospel to be recorded, the Gospel of Mark is a rapid fire, action-packed account addressed to Roman believers, more specifically, Gentiles. In writing to Roman Gentiles, Mark omits Jewish elements and makes fewer references to Old Testament text.

Mark’s Gospel is filled with action from the start of the first chapter as John the Baptist is introduced on the scene to make way for the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. After 400 years of silence after the book of Malachi, the Jewish people were long awaiting their Messianic King. 
--Taught by Wesley Livingston

Description : Podcast Colossians

Taught by Stephen Armstrong

A study through Paul's letter to Colosse. Paul's letter opens with one of the most powerful testimonies of Christ's glory and the gospel, and it includes important warnings on legalism and humanistic thought, encouragement for godly living, and even some interesting insights into the early church fathers.

Note: This study also includes materials for leading a small group study. Be sure to download the Listening Guides and Teaching Guides with Lesson 1A.

The book of Colossians

Ligonier Ministries

Without the preaching of the gospel, we have not engaged in actual mission work. In this session, Dr. Burk Parsons explores the preaching of the gospel as the essential component of mission work, reminding us of the power of God’s Word and the necessity of preaching. This message is from Global Missions, a pre-conference event held before our 2021 conference in Detroit

Few studies of scripture combine so few verses with so much controversy and mystery as the book of Jude. The letter is only 25 verses, but despite it’s short length, it’s one of the least often studied books of scripture. The letter invites wonder and even confusion because of it’s frequent references to extra-Biblical material, and the tone of the letter is distinctly apocalyptic, though it never attempts to explain future events in detail. All studies online

The Hand of God

Pastor Colin Smith preached this sermon on Ezra 7:1–10 called "The Hand of God" at The Orchard EFC in suburban Chicago in January 2022.

New Bible Study : Psalm 119 - The Glory of God's Word

by Michelle LesleyLesson 1 - Introduction

Stone staircase

Beautiful Motherhood:  A Mother's Day Bible Study

by Michelle Lesley


Eschatology—or the study of the “last days”—is full of heated debates. In this message, R.C. Sproul looks to Jesus’ own words to bring clarity to this topic.

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