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Your Word for Today - Tabletalk Bible Study

Marble Surface



God Most High

Psalm 57:2


“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.”

White Fabric



Personal Knowledge


The Bible doesn’t work this way. It’s not a code to be cracked or a collection of hidden messages. It’s actually quite plain; anyone can understand the basic message of Scripture.

Abstract Background



Divine Omnipresence


Psalm 139:7–12


“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!” (vv. 7–8).

Air Pressure



The Lord Is There



Ezekiel 48:35


“The name of the city from that time on shall be, The Lord Is There.”

Rejection: A Study of Luke 4:21-30


A Sunday study of an important passage for Christian living today.

Rejected in His Hometown: A Study of Luke 4:21-30

Click  H E R E  to read this Study by Christian Soldier 21

The Fate of a Nation

An American story of Satan, sin, and judgment.

Click  H E R E  to read this Study by Christian Soldier 21

 A study of John’s Gospel.


The Beloved Disciple Part 18

John 4:19-26

Welcome back to our study of John’s Gospel. In this post we continue our examination of the story of “The Woman by the Well” in chapter 4. Before we go into the new material I want to review verses 16-18 so we are all caught up.

Click  H E R E to read this study by Finding Faith / Substack

The Beloved Disciple Part 19

Welcome back to our study of John’s Gospel. Here we will see the conclusion of the story of the Samaritan woman who encountered Jesus at the well. When we left off Jesus had revealed Himself as the Messiah her people had been waiting for. Let us rejoin the scene now with verses 27-30.

“And upon this came his disciples, and marveled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her? The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. John 4:27-30”

Click  H E R E to read this study by Finding Faith / Substack

Digging Deeper - A Remarkable Ending

(Accompanying The Beloved Disciple Part 19)

Unfortunately, John leaves us hanging a little bit on what happened to the woman after that conversation with our Lord. By the end of the study I found myself wondering if history had anything more to say about her. It turns out the Catholic and Orthodox traditions do.

Click  H E R E  to read this study by Finding Faith/ Substack

The Beloved Disciple Part 20

John 4:43-54

Welcome back to The Beloved Disciple. Here in part 20 we continue our study with the story of the nobleman’s sick child. As we see in the text, Jesus has departed Sychar and continued His journey north to Galilee.

Click  H E R E  to read this study by Finding Faith/ Substack

Bible Study :  Words of Wisdom, by Tim Challies

This is the first part of a Thirty One day study in the book of Proverbs that I am entitling 31 Days of Wisdom. The more I read, the more I write, the more I learn, the more I realize my own shortcomings and find myself calling out to God for wisdom and discernment; wisdom to know right from wrong and discernment to know how to act on that knowledge. As I pondered these things I was continually drawn to the book of Proverbs – a book inspired by God to impart wisdom and discernment. I decided to begin a study of Proverbs, studying one chapter per day for thirty one days.  C L I C K   H E R E 

Church Laodicea

Die Sewe Kerke (Openbaring)

Efése, Smirna, Pergamos, Thiatire.

the church

Die Sewe Kerke (Openbaring) 2e deel

Sardis, Filadelfia, Laodicea.

four horses of  revelation

Die Vier Perde (Openbaring)

Toe Jesus elkeen van daardie seëls oopgemaak het, begin dinge op aarde gebeur ...


Oë vir die Ewigheid  (Eyes for Eternity)

Filippense 1:1-5


Leraar: Stephen Armstrong

Vertaling: Nita Kearney, Liezl du Toit

Klank : Gelees deur Ruaan Robbetze


Die Soewereiniteit van God

Hierdie reeks lesings is n uitdagende lering oor die natuur en impak van God se soewereiniteit op belangrike geestelike probleme in ons lewe,insluitende gebed, rykdom, gesondheid, wereld gebeure, evangelisasie en sodoende die impak wat dit het op God self.

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