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Smokey Blossom


Your daily word of wisdom from the Bible, encouragement for your life path with Jesus.





How often do you hear “this is impossible” or “nothing can be done” or similar words which endorses our little faith in the truth of “nothing is impossible for Him, if we believe”. That is the promise made by Him to us, the believers. We should not look at a situation as being hopeless, instead we should put our trust in His promise to us and exercise our faith in knowing that, even if we cannot see something with the eyes, in faith, we believe that everything will change according to His will  if you only belief in Him and His promises to us. JMK


2 Corinthians 5:7
‘For we live by faith, not by sight.’

- Life cannot always be lived from a rational perspective.
- There are many things we have to trust God about and live by faith.
- We should live our lives based on the foundation of our faith and trust in God.
- We should consistently and confidently believe in God and His promises.

Lord, thank You that I can live each day knowing that I can trust You and rely on Your Word and Your faithfulness towards me. Help me not to be distracted by what I see around me, but may I constantly trust in You and Your lovingkindness towards me.




Alive to God

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