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A Study in Esther (part 1)

The book of Esther is about a Jewish girl who became the queen of Persia—a thrilling tale of political intrigue, suspense, and deliverance. But what does it have to do with God or the twenty-first century? Find out on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg. ***Download the series at

God gives us every book of Scripture for our instruction. This includes Esther. At the start of a new series, Alistair Begg considers best practices for studying Esther. Although the book doesn’t mention God, we should not read it only to encourage simple morals. Instead, Alistair urges us to look for God’s providential hand at work. The Author of reality, we discover, always guides every event—not only miracles but also daily life.

Do you not know? Do you not hear?

Has it not been told you from the beginning? …

It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,

and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers.

(Isaiah 40:21–22 ESV)

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