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A Virtuous Woman

woman and child
Proverbs 31:10  An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. 

Proverbs 31:10 asks the question, "Who can find a virtuous woman?" Webster's dictionary defines the word "virtuous" as "general moral excellence, goodness of character, or chaste." The end of verse ten goes on to say if you can find such a woman: "her price [or worth] is far above rubies." The standard here is not an unrealistic perfection in all areas of life. Instead, it is an inward beauty of character and morals that can make any woman who seeks to cultivate these qualities a highly valued woman to all who know her.

We actually have several biblical examples of virtuous women.

  • Ruth was told all the city knew she was a "virtuous woman" (Ruth 3:11), for her devotion to Jehovah, loving care for her mother-in-law, work ethic, and humility to listen to instruction.

  • The virtue of Sarah is described in I Peter 3:4-6 for her submission to her husband with a "meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."

  • Proverbs 31 emphasizes several qualities of a virtuous woman. She is worthy of her husband's trust (v. 11), will always do her husband good and not evil (v. 12), and diligently and consistently "worketh willingly" to advance family finances (vs. 13-24). She conducts herself with "strength and honor" (v. 25), "openeth her mouth with wisdom [or discretion], ...and kindness" (v. 26), and "looketh well to the ways of her household" without engaging in "idleness" (v. 27). Verse 30 seems to also imply that while she may possess or desire outward beauty, she realizes this is "vain", or empty, and fleeting. Therefore, she places a higher value on the inner beauty of the virtues studied above, and she does so because she has godliness, or is "a woman that feareth the Lord."

If you are a man who has found a virtuous woman, you are greatly blessed. Proverbs tells us "a prudent wife is from the Lord" (19:14) and she is "a crown to her husband" (12:4). Tell your virtuous woman today that you greatly appreciate her godliness, which makes her a true "trophy wife." If you're not yet married, this is the kind of woman you should be looking for. If you are a woman who is not satisfied these qualities are developed fully enough in you, don't be discouraged. Instead, ask the Lord to help you grow in these virtues, and prayerfully work on several of them today.

Poem The Farmers Wife



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