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Ascension : What did Jesus Do?

Christ’s ascension marked His enthronement in heaven and His return to glory. What benefit does the Lord’s ascension have for Christians? In this message, R.C. Sproul turns to Luke 24 and Acts 1 and explains why it is to our advantage that Jesus ascended to heaven.

So often, we think of the work of Christ as something that began when He was baptized in the Jordan River around the age of thirty. In reality, however, the work of Christ began in eternity past in the covenant of redemption. In this lecture, Dr. Sproul explains how the humiliation of Christ in His incarnation and crucifixion, and the exaltation of Christ in His resurrection and ascension are both grounded in the eternal covenant among the persons of the Trinity.

A teaching series by R.C. Sproul (Ascension : What did Jesus Do?)

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