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God deserves our best

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“It is our best work that God wants.” – George Macdonald

His Best

God didn’t only give the most; He gave the best in giving His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. God wanted our best so He sent His Son to ensure this would happen, so how could we ever do a half-hearted job for God when God sent His Son to die for us. Remember that the Father suffered too. Why do I say that? Could you watch your only Son die for sinners who nailed Him to the cross like the Father had too? Didn’t He give the most? Jesus suffered and died on the cross for those of us who didn’t deserve it. There is no way we can ever repay His, so we should feel compelled to do whatever we can for God and for the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Our Best

Solomon wisely wrote, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going” (Eccl 9:10), and this is similar to what the Apostle Paul wrote in saying, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (Col 3:23). God wants our best and deserves our best so let’s give Him our best.

His Glory

Whatever we do, we should give God our best, and whatever we do should always glorify Him and never ourselves. What do we have to glory about anyway (1st Cor 4:7)? I can only boast that I was great at one thing…sinning, but God’s great at all things and He takes our sins away by Christ’s work on the cross. That was God’s best…so let’s do our best for Him, and whatever we do, seek to glorify God because He is worthy.


George Macdonald is right in saying that God deserves our very best work. He has given us His best in Christ, so He deserves our best in whatever we put our hand too, and He deserves all glory because even our own salvation was not based on what we did, but upon what Christ did for us (2nd Cor 5:21; Eph 2:8).

Pixture: Pixabay

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Nita Kearney
Nita Kearney
Aug 01, 2023

Our best is first thing when we open our eyes and last thing when we close our eyes and all the inbetween times when we hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit. That is my understanding.

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