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Put it in God's Hand (God's Work)

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“Prayer puts God’s work in his hands–and keeps it there.” – E.M. Bounds

The Mighty Hand of God (God's Work)

James once wrote that we must humble ourselves and submit ourselves to God and that He will draw near to us, but we must come to God with clean hands (James 4:7-10), knowing that it is only the prayers of a righteous person that can access the power of God (James 5:16-18). This is part of the way we can put God’s work into His hands and not take it over ourselves, for if we seek to do God’s work and do it by our own hands or in our strength, then we are not doing His work according to His will; we are doing our own. First things first, however. We must submit ourselves under the authoritative and sovereign hand of the mighty God (1 Pet 5:6).

Earthly and Heavenly Dominion ***

God gave us dominion over those things done on the earth (Gen 1:26, 28; Psalm 8:6), even though this dominion must still be done within the parameters of the will of God, but finding God’s will on earth is not so much seeking anything different from that which is already being done in heaven. Even though God has placed everything under mankind’s feet, it doesn’t mean that includes God Himself because He has placed all things under Christ’s authority (1 Cor 15:27) since God has put all things under Christ’s feet and made Him the Head of the Church (Eph 1:22). We pray for God’s work to be done in His own hands while doing what we perceive is His will on earth.

Placing It in God’s Hands

Martin Luther once wrote that he held many things in his hands, but whatever he had placed in God’s hands he still possessed. We could say the same thing about our prayer requests. Anything our hands lift up to God in prayer to ask for we ultimately must trust God’s hands as completely trustworthy to do in His perfect will and leave it at that. What is better than having God’s hands do what He pleases and is His will? I wouldn’t want to do what I can do with my own hands that isn’t better done in the sovereign will, plan, and purpose of God. Would you?

The Hands of Heaven

If we really believe God, we’ll leave His working all things out in His hands, for we know that everything ultimately works out for our best, even if we don’t see it at the time (Rom 8:28).

E.M. Bounds is right: “Prayer puts God’s work in his hands–and keeps it there.” I wouldn’t want it any other way. How about you?

*** Bible Study : Verse by Verse Ministries


But when He says, “ All things are put in subjection,” it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him.

1Cor. 15:28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.

  • The final and greatest enemy of God is death itself, and the source of death, that is Satan

  • So Christ will rule until that final enemy is conquered

  • The moment Satan and death are conquered is at the very end of the Kingdom

  • But once that victory is won, then the purpose of the Kingdom has been fulfilled, and Jesus hands back authority to the Father

  • In v.27 Paul quotes from the Psalm 8

The pronouns cause some confusion at first, but if we replace them with proper nouns, it makes easier reading

1Cor. 15:27 For the Father HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER Christ’s FEET. But when the Spirit says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is evident that the Father is excepted who put all things in subjection to Christ.

  • Paul says that the goal of the Kingdom is to put everything under Christ’s rule

  • But of course, the Father Himself is not to be subjected to Christ’s rule

  • Therefore, once the final enemy is gone, the Son obediently returns all authority to the Father

At that point, the Son obediently subjects Himself to the Father once again, and Paul says God returns to being “all in all”

It’s not clear what this moment means for the Godhead, but the simplest explanation is that the expression of the Godhead returns to a singular expression

  • The Three Persons of the Godhead still exist, of course, as they always have existed

  • But they no longer express themselves into Creation in Three Persons separated one from another

  • Instead, the Godhead expresses itself as One, in a manner similar to the way God existed at the beginning of Creation when the Godhead said Let Us make man in Our image.

In other words, Christ came to earth as a man to die and resurrect and rule so that as a man, He could conquer all the enemies of God in Creation

  • And once He completes this mission, His purpose to exist in the form of man is met

  • And then He will return to the Oneness with the Father that He has enjoyed since before the beginning

Gods Way is Best : Charles W. Naylor 1904

  1. God’s way is best; if human wisdom A fairer way may seem to show, ’Tis only that our earth-dimmed vision The truth can never clearly know.

    • Refrain: God’s way is best, I will not murmur, Although the end I may not see; Where’er He leads I’ll meekly follow, God’s way is best, is best for me.

Had I the choosing of my pathway, In blindness I should go astray, And wander far away in darkness, Nor reach that land of endless day.

  1. He leadeth true; I will not question, Though through the valley I shall go; Though I should pass through clouds of trial, And drink the cup of human woe.

  2. God’s way is best; heart, cease thy struggling To see and know and understand; Forsake thy fears and doubts, but trusting, Submit thyself into His hand.

  3. Thy way is best, so lead me onward, My all I give to Thy control; Thy loving hand will truly guide me, And safe to glory bring my soul.



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