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Joy to the World

Merry Christmas wishes
You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light—for the fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteousness, and truth. (Eph. 5:8-9 CSB)

Beautiful. Significant. Righteous. Worthy. That is what God sees when he looks at you! While you might question how God could be so fooled, know this – he isn’t. 

He knows you aren’t perfect, but he sees you in his light. He knows your lackluster obedience, but he colors you with the radiance of his righteousness.

Our church’s Christmas program draws the churched and the unchurched to hear the seasonal music and admire the Advent presentations. Still, as a pastor, knowing the fears and flaws of many of the participants, I tend to see things in a different light.

As the choirs line up, I may observe a struggling couple or wayward child preparing to sing to our community of the beauty of the Savior. A part of me thinks that it is a strange, even inappropriate, witness. How can we allow those so flawed to sing of the perfections of Jesus? How does this help anyone?

Then the program starts, and all is bathed in the colors of Christmas. The stage lights wash away the shadows and the ordinary colors, turning every object and every person into a brilliant display of beauty not their own. That’s the witness my heart needs!   

Despite the darkness and difficulties of our lives, Jesus shines his grace upon us to wash away our sin and color our souls with his righteousness. If only perfect people sang of Jesus at Christmas, it would truly be a silent night. But because Jesus makes righteous those touched by his light, we can all sing, “Joy to the World.”



Lord, may the light of your grace cover my sin and color my soul so that I live as a child of light for you.



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