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Pray wherever you are

“There is no need to get to a place of prayer; pray wherever you are.” – Oswald Chambers

God is Everywhere

Jonah found out that there is no place to run and there is no place to hide from God. That seemed bad for Jonah but it was good for the people of Nineveh who he eventually preached too and they repented and were spared. The point is that God is everywhere and present everywhere at all times. There is no place that God isn’t, so any place is a great place to pray. It doesn’t always have to be your “prayer closet,” wherever or whatever that is.

God is Always Near

God is “near the broken hearted and crushed in spirit,” so says the psalmist, (Psalm 34:18) and He is certainly near those who are His own children, but if you think about a human father who is home, the child know he or she has access to their father, so how much greater is it to have our Father in heaven be near us…always near enough to hear our prayers, even if we’re on the run.

God is Always Listening

We don’t have to wait in line or talk God into listening to us. We simply need to pray in Jesus’ name and “whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7). That doesn’t mean God grants wishes but he does listen to our prayers, and if we are abiding in Him and His Word (John 15:5, 7), He will hear and answer. Of course He has the wisdom to know not to give us some things because He knows we’ll hurt ourselves.


In saying, “There is no need to get to a place of prayer; pray wherever you are,” Oswald Chambers understood that God is everywhere and not just in one particular place; God is always near, no matter where we are; and God is listening to our prayers, even though He reserves the right to answer because He knows best.

Morning Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for another day and thank you for your Presence with me. I know you have great purpose in this very day, and I’m so grateful that your plans are good. I give you praise for your compassion and love. I thank you that your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness is greater than I could ever imagine.

In Jesus’ Name,


Morning Prayers by Debbie McDaniel

Image by Pixabay



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