An honest, heart-felt prayer for those working through jealousy.
Lord, you know my heart and how often I look over my shoulder at others. I’m like the disciple Peter who turned and saw the disciple, John, following him and Jesus. When Peter saw John, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” (John 21:21).
I cry out from my heart, “What about them?” I look over the fence at their beauty, their parenting, their family, their talent, their life. Jealousy seems to rise up in me, like a beastly dragon rearing its ugly head.
The fruits of the Spirit in them appear fresh and ripe as they ooze love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control in all they do. My fruit seems stunted in the soil, or at times, I fear, rotten to the core.
Oh, comparison is the thief of joy. They seem to be the disciple that everyone loves.
But what do you say, Lord, to my coveting heart, brimming with quiet envy on the inside? If only they knew my heart. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Help me Lord, to be silent and not seething.
Lord Jesus, you know my heart. You created my heart. You see my heart fail through my choice to sin. You see my heart to the core. You have also, in pure love, given me a new heart and a new spirit within that very core; you gave your very life and death for me. You turned my heart of stone to flesh. You are the one who made it possible for me to love at all.
But like eating too many unhealthy snacks that can take its toll on the heart, indulging on unhealthy thoughts can do the same damage.
Oh, how I long to love you Lord with my whole heart.
How can I love well when jealousy overflows like poison? I swallow it, and it makes no one suffer, but me. How can I see another image-bearer of you in such a cold way? It is plain wrong.
Jesus, please forgive me and help me to see you more fully, and may I be captivated once again by your love for me — and for them too. May I love them like you love them. May I see them with warm eyes and genuine heartfelt affection.
Oh Lord, what a wretch I am. I am so in need of your grace. Bathe me in the truth of your Word. Bring it to life in me in a fresh way today.
Just like you said to Peter, “If I want [John] to remain until I return, what is that to you? You follow Me!” You knew that Peter would betray you, yet you loved him and had amazing plans for your church, through him.
To follow you, Jesus, is all I want to do. Strengthen me so that I will not be tempted to follow any other way. There is no other way, but you. You are the way, the truth and the life.
Help me not to stray with my thinking, looking at every other runner in this faith race of endurance. But help my mind to stay focused on the prize — the upward call of God in Christ.
Renew my mind by the power of the Holy Spirit so I will see you more clearly. This is what I truly long for, despite my sin-stained heart. I praise you Jesus that you make me clean from the inside out; my sin no longer scarlet, but white like snow.
As I meditate on your truth and glorious character, I only want to live for you. I am yours forever — you are worthy.
Help me linger longer in the light of your love as you lavish your grace, mercy, and forgiveness on me — a sinner saved, adopted by you, chosen and redeemed. (jealousy and envy)