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The Missing "Piece"

the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6

I am sharing this with all our readers today as it really has a message for each one of us.

I am busy with a very difficult 2000-piece puzzle and when it was about complete, I noticed, to my surprise, a missing puzzle piece in the center of the picture! I was so upset as many hours were put into this creation and now it is spoilt, I cannot complete the work.

The search began, all through the house, under the furniture, in every possible place where I could have dropped it by mistake. To no avail, it is nowhere! Whilst in this search, something came to my mind.

In my own life, I was searching for the missing peace in myself, always looking for it, everywhere, getting involved in all the pleasures this life can possibly offer you, but I could not find that inner peace and my search was in vain. Whilst struggling within myself, searching hoping, going through life with a feeling of emptiness, I came across a quote that read:

…”…” the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7 BSB

This leads me to start searching for that “peace” as it was clear to me that I was searching on my own in vain and in the wrong places all my life! Once I found the “peace” given to me by the Grace of our Lord Jesus, the “peace that surpasses all understanding” fill my heart and my soul. It is a feeling that I cannot explain to

anybody and I am asked regularly by others about the peace in my heart. I have peace knowing myself, knowing my shortcomings in life, knowing where I am in this world and knowing the way forward. All of this is through the Grace of God and His Holy Spirit indwelling in my heart and soul.

I am no longer searching, I have so much peace in my heart, nothing of this world upsets me and I do not wish to possess anything of this world in whatever form it has to offer because in myself, the peace I found is more precious than Gold.

If you are reading this today, and there is an unsettling feeling in your inner being, maybe you are restless, maybe you cannot sleep, maybe you are worried about your family, sickness and also with your future or where you go when death comes calling. then this scripture is for you today. When you search His Peace, you will never suffer from worries and concerns ever more, because I can witness to that.

To be at peace with GOD is to be at peace with yourself. Nothing else! May God lead you today to start searching for His peace so that your soul can be at rest.

Nita Kearney : Guest Writer

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