The Beauty of Jesus
In Me
“My life touched yours
for a very brief space,
And what, oh,
what did you see?
A hurried, a worried
and anxious face,
Or the beauty of Jesus in me?
Was I steeped so deep
in the ways of the world
That you couldn't detect one thing
That would set me apart
and show that my heart
Belonged to the Heavenly King?
Did I carry no banner
for Jesus my Lord,
Not one thing at all to show
Whose side I am on
in this glorious fight...
I am His! But you wouldn't know!
Forgive me! And if
we should e'er meet again
Upon earth, oh, I pray you will see
No mark of this world,
but His banner unfurled,
And the beauty of Jesus in me!
Alice Hansche Mortenson~
Poem submitted by : Always For His Glory Ministry
Image : Pixabay Users