“The God who knows you best knows the best for you." – Woodrow Kroll
Good From Evil
God can use evil for good but it’s not as if God created the evil to be used for good, but God can use evil for His own good, as in the case of Joseph who was unfairly treated by his brothers, cast into prison even though innocent, and trusted the sovereignty of God through it all. He knew that God can use evil for good (Gen 50:20), and all we have to do is to look at the cross to see this.
Seeing the Unseen
I remember hearing a story that took place over a hundred years ago where a man missed his cruise because of some mechanical problems with his car. Of course, he was very upset about it, but then, a few days later, he found out that he was blessed to miss the cruise…his cruise on the Titanic. In God’s sovereignty, God was apparently not finished with this man and so in the short term what looked to be a horrible circumstance actually saved his life, and we all know what happened to the Titanic.
All Things to the Good
The Apostle Paul surely had it more difficult than most and probably suffered more than the other apostles, but he never gave it a second thought because Paul trusted the sovereignty of God, even amidst the disastrous treatment he received. Paul could say that no matter what happened, everything, good and bad, will work out for his very best (Rom 8:28). Can we trust God in our life like Paul did?
Faith in Action
It’s one thing to say “I have faith” but it’s another to act in faith while our eyes tell us something different. When Abraham was about to take Isaac’s life, the angel of the Lord stopped him, so Abraham’s faith was displayed in action and not just by words, and so it was written, “Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness” (Gal 3:6).
Conclusion (Trust God's Sovereignty)
If we say we believe God, we must believe in His sovereignty too, or as Woodrow Kroll said, “The God who knows you best knows the best for you,” and that includes trusting God even when evil is done to us, even when things seem to turn out badly, even when it seems God is not with us, and that trust is displayed by acting in faith or by seeing what is unseen, and believing God.
by Jack Wellman
Father God,
I praise You for Your mighty providential hand in my life. You are in control and You work every detail for my good and for Your glory. Even amid the unknown, that may cause anxiety, I choose to trust You and rest in Your sovereignty.
You are worthy to be praised for who You are. I am so thankful for Your sovereignty that guides, protects, and holds my life together. Continue to strengthen my faith in you. Help me be a light to others who also need to trust your sovereignty.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.