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Living Before the Face of God

Matters of wealth are always matters of the heart.  Income and net worth do not determine one's righteousness, but only union with Christ, and one key piece of evidence that we are truly united to Jesus is that we are quick to share our time, talent, and treasures with those in need.  How can you show generosity this day?



It is scarcely possible in most places to get anyone to attend a meeting where the only attraction is God.   - A. W. Tozer


It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.
- Augustine


Sin came through the pride of Lucifer and salvation came through the humility of Jesus.
- Zac Poonen


The vulgar man is always the most distinguished, for the very desire to be distinguished is vulgar.
- G.K. Chesterton


Let us watch against pride in every shape - pride of intellect, pride of wealth, pride in our own goodness, pride in our own deserts. Nothing is so likely to keep a man out of heaven, and prevent him seeing Christ, as pride. So long as we think we are something, we shall never be saved.
- J. C. Ryle


None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves.
- Charles Spurgeon


One of our troubles is we are not willing to humble ourselves. We are not willing to give up our opinions as to how things should be done.
- Mordecai Ham


Self-righteousness is the devil's masterpiece to make us think well of ourselves.
- Thomas Adams


The proud man hath no God; the envious man hath no neighbor; the angry man hath not himself. What good, then, in being a man, if one has neither himself nor a neighbor nor God.
- Joseph Hall

A W Pink quote

Prayer is not intended to change God's purpose, nor is it to move Him to form fresh purposes. God has decreed that certain events shall come to pass through the means He has appointed for their accomplishment.
- A. W. Pink

A W Tozer quote

John Owen

Temptations and occasions put nothing into a man, but only draw out what was 
in him before.


See in the meantime that your faith brings forth obedience, and God in due time 
will cause it to bring forth peace. 


Labor to grow better under all your afflictions, lest your afflictions grow worse, 
lest God mingle them with more darkness, bitterness and terror.


He that hath slight thoughts of sin never had great thoughts of God. 


We all profess that we are bound for heaven, immortality, and glory: but is it any 
evidence that we really design it if all our thoughts are consumed about the trifles 
of this world, which we must leave behind us, and have only occasional thoughts 
of things above? 

John Owen Quote

“We turn to God when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them.”   Charles C. West


“You will never need more than God can supply.”   J. I. Packer


“Christ is not only a remedy for your weariness and trouble; but He will give you an abundance of the contrary, joy and delight.”   Jonathan Edwards


“Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile.”  Sir Wilfred Grenfell


“The religion of Christ is the religion of joy.  Christ came to take away our sins, to roll off our curse, to unbind our chains, to open our prison house, to cancel our debt; in a word, to give us the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness…Where can we find a joy so real, so deep, so pure, so lasting?  There is every element of joy –deep, ecstatic, satisfying, sanctifying joy in the Good News of Christ.”

Octavius Winslow


“Hate” – To feel great hostility or animosity toward another or myself.


“We can do nothing if we hate ourselves, or feel that all our actions are doomed to failure because of our own worthlessness.”   Martin Israel


 “I imagine that one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once the hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”

James Baldwin


 “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it

  Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it

  Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”

  Martin Luther King, Jr.


“The best measure of a spiritual life is not its ecstasies but its obedience.”

Oswald Chambers




Ezekiel 36:26
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