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Your daily word of wisdom from the Bible, encouragement for your life path with Jesus.




There is no greater Power as the Power of the Sovereign God, the omnipotent, I Am, Creator of all things and Consuming Fire! God is love but He hates sin in our lives. If you are someone facing a challenge in life that is too big to handle, a sin that binds you, humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up and will give you a new life! Commit yourself to Him and He will set you free and put your feet upon a Rock, Jesus, and will take you unto Himself as His Child. JMK

1 Chronicles 16:25
‘Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise!’

- Never limit the greatness of God in your life.
- He is far greater than any problem or challenge that you may face.
- Celebrate Him and His greatness over your situation.
- Believe in His faithfulness, His greatness and His lovingkindness.

 Lord, I recognize that You are greater and more powerful than anything I am facing. Your power and ability is beyond all human understanding and nothing is too difficult for You.


Today's Bible Study 

Acknowledgement :  Alive to God

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